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Venture Capital,Financing & Offshore Programs & Services.


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and Business Wednesdays: Three Years Lateryears ago; when Barron's analyzed the sector in an article appearing in its June 5; 2000 issue. found strong; preliminary evidence of a robust minority venture capital industry." ...

FastTrac - Research - Minorities and Venture Capital: A New Wave in American Business
preliminary evidence of a robust minority venture capital industry." Study Of Minority Venture Capital Industry Shows VC-Backed Minority Firms Outperformed S&P 500. Article Feedback ...

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both the subject of the state of the minority venture capital sector; as well as the quality of June 5; 2000 Barron's magazine article that mentions the following quote about ...

Local Tech Wire: Technology; Breaking News; IT Jobs; Skinny; The Skinny; Venture; Entrepreneurship; Biotech;
were instrumental in the success of the Southeast i-DealFlow Forum; the first-of-its-kind minority venture capital forum ...

Ä.Minorities and VC report (PDF)
... by successful minority venture capital. should serve to increase flow of funds to ... Our view is that. minority venture capital is a young industry in ...