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The last thing in the world that you want to happen after you've launched your business is to get socked with a lawsuit. In today's litigious society, you should consider getting some type of business insurance, such as liability insurance, an errors and omissions policy, or the like. An excellent resource for small business owners is the National Association for the Self Employed. Depending on the level chosen, membership in the SASE offers a number of benefits, including health benefits and property insurance.


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Risky business: on the lookout for business insurance? You might have to re-evaluate your risk tolerance first - Smart Moves
Risky business: on the lookout for business insurance?

Small business insurance checkup: preventive maintenance is essential to an organization's financial health
For most people a preventive visit to the doctor for an annual checkup has become routine. Similarly; each year drivers have their cars inspected to ...

Be prepared for spiralling business insurance rates - News - Brief Article
MAJOR commercial insurers are planning to "significantly" increase premiums; according to one business insurer. The increases; it said; are an attempt ...

Business insurance is good business
Prepare for the unexpected IMAGINE THE WORST NATURAE DISASTER TO be fall your business: fire; flood; earthquake; hurricane. Your business will have to ...

Power Play - business insurance planning - Brief Article
INSURANCE: ARE YOU COVERED WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OUT? THERE'S A SMALL FIRE IN THE ELECTRIC company's substation; or a transformer blows; and power to ...

Finally; there is a way to deduct business (and even non-business) insurance premiums
TAX SAVINGS Borrowing money is a way of doing business. A business often Qllateralizes a loan with particular assets such as real estate; equipment or ...

Concealment charge - Review & preview: November 14-20 - Capital 7 Financial Services Funds sues Health Net Inc. over sale of Business Insurance Group -
Concealment Charge: Health Net Inc. has been sued by an investor group that claims the Woodland Hills-based health insurer concealed information about ...

Need for Business Insurance; The
Like most dynamic businesses the insurance profession and the companies that write the policies must; by the very nature of their service; be aware of ...

Small Business Insurance
Small business owners now have several new online options for finding and purchasing insurance coverage. ( ...

How Much Of A Good Thing? - business insurance
We admit it: Discussing business insurance is about as exciting as; say; cleaning out the basement. Perhaps you're thinking of turning a few pages and ...